
Corelation, Inc. is a collaborative, and agile financial software company dedicated to offering the best product and service to the credit union industry across the US. Their founders have spent their entire careers creating core systems and providing exceptional client relations that are better suited to meeting today’s credit union needs. Founder and Chairman, John Landis, has more than 40 years of credit union software development experience as the principal architect of three major credit union data processing platforms. The first of these platforms was introduced in the 1970s and (along with the two others) is still being sold today. “The technology needs of credit unions have changed dramatically,” he says. “I wanted to craft a brand-new product for our industry using that technology. It was an irresistible challenge.”

The vision of Landis and Corelation has orchestrated a great partnership with NXTsoft’s OmniConnect platform. Together, NXTsoft and Corelation are pioneering great solutions for credit union software.