Are your budget deadlines looming? Staying up late every night to create a proposal that includes a winning plan to add core integration to your 2023 budget?
We’ve got some very good news for you.
There’s still time to get expert-level help—Our CFM integration strategists can help you create a winning budget or proposal that aligns with your strategic goals.
CFM has helped hundreds of financial institutions build the right strategy for enterprise-level core integrations that work with the technology that’s already in place. We can help you understand the core integration process and create a plan that will produce the ROI you need to stay healthy and efficient.
Need a little more incentive? Our strategy sessions take less than an hour, and there’s no cost involved.
What We Cover During the Integration Strategy Session
While your strategy session will be unique to your branch and vision, each discussion will typically include:
• A review of your existing machines and technology so we can determine how to formulate a plan that will work for you
• A customized cost analysis that’s based on the number of cash dispensers/recyclers in your branch
• A detailed ROI estimate—you might be surprised at how quickly core integration can pay for itself when it’s done the right way
• How to find out if your cash dispensers and recyclers are healthy and being properly used, which machines are performing the best and how to forecast future needs.
• If you don’t currently deploy recyclers or dispensers in your branch, we’ll help you figure out how many machines you’ll need to achieve maximum efficiency
Pick a time for your 2023 strategy session, let’s talk.
CFM helps financial institutions transform the banking experience through core-integrated solutions. For more information, contact us here.