Q – Introduce yourself and your financial institution:

A –  Brandon Fink, Lending Process administrator for Pathfinder Bank over $1 Billion in assets and 10 branches.  Most of my day is dealing with all sorts of loan software and creating reports.

Q – What NXTsoft products / services does your company use? 

A – We use the loan interface from Finastra MortgageBot to FIS MISER including the GL connector.

Q – What problems were you having and how did NXTsoft help you solve it? Why did you choose to work with NXTsoft? Combined with below.

A – We had to start using a new loan origination software as our old one was being sunset.  The decision was made to use Finastra MortgageBot.  I was not in my position at the time to know if any other solutions to interfacing to MISER were discussed but I know that NXTSoft was the right choice.  We also use Finastra LaserPro and their interface to MISER and I would use one of a genie’s 3 wishes for NXTSoft to support LaserPro to MISER as that Finastra interface is severely lacking.

Q – What would you say to a similar business considering using the same solution?  

A – If NXTsoft’s interface is compatible with your needs you CAN NOT possibly find a better solution.

Q – How was the Implementation process? 

A – I joined my position at the tail end of the implementation of the GL connector but there was weekly working sessions where the NXTsoft rep was very knowledgeable and explained why he was doing what he was doing to help us understand our interface.

Q – How have you found our Client Experience team to be? 

A – Great! I’d love to learn how to make some changes myself but when there’s an issue or something we’d like to add the support team is just a quick form and at most a couple days away.

Q – Can you think of an instance when an NXTsoft employee has gone above expectations? 

A – I’ve requested support on one topic than figured out the initial issue but the rep was able to help us with a different issue without us needing to go through the request process again.  This shows that the reps are completely knowledgeable about the entire interface.