Your path to paperless.
Kinective Receipts™ & Kinective Receipts Plus™ (formerly eReceipts / eReceipts Plus) are advanced digital receipt solutions for the modern consumer experience. Enables consumers to sign receipts on their mobile device and deliver completed receipts via email, SMS text or print to meet consumer preferences.

Signed, sent, delivered (your way)
Old-school receipt processes holding you back? Kinective’s modern eReceipts technology takes the client experience out of the stone age and into an easy-to-use, cloud-based platform.
Generate digital receipts in real-time, making the client experience simpler and safer than ever. Kinective Receipts™ (formerly eReceipts) removes the dependency on receipt printers and all of their associated costs by enabling clients to receive and sign through digital signature pads, electronically, or conveniently from their smartphone. Elevate your client experience with Receipts.
Transform your client experience, one receipt at a time.
Features & Benefits
The retail banking landscape is shifting fully digital. With almost 1,700 banks and credit unions using our digital transaction solution suite, our customers are able to elevate the client experience while streamlining back-office processes (we call that a win-win).
Digital Signatures
Members can sign deposits or withdrawal receipts digitally, through signature pads or tablet-based signature capture.
Efficient Archiving
Generated eReceipts are automatically stored as encrypted, indexed electronic documents in an imaging/ECM system.
Ditch the traditional hardware costs and replace them with the latest advances in cloud-based services from Microsoft. You’ll save on administrative and upkeep costs while streamlining workflows.
Offline Capable
Staff can continue processing transactions in off-line mode, making it possible to give outstanding service even if the core system is unavailable.
Embedded eSignature Capture
Clients can review and sign directly from their device with our unique, patent-pending embedded eSignature software.
SMS/Text Delivery
Receipts offers the added convenience of receipt delivery through text messaging. They still prefer paper or email? No worries – our platform gives the freedom and flexibility for clients to choose how they want to receive receipts.
Drive-thru and call center efficiency
Enhance drive-thru and call center efficiencies for staff and clients alike.
Getting Specific About Digital Receipts
Read how Receipts features the many benefits of a ditial-centric approach, especially one that gives clients full control over how they choose to sign and receive their transaction receipts.
Case Study
Financial Plus Credit Union Adds Receipts to Advance their Digital Strategy
Read how Financial Plus Credit Union leveraged Receipts to remain competitive with their digital offerings.
Why Financial Institutions are Embracing Digital Receipts
FIs are re-evaluating experiences based on a digital focus, and nothing can be overlooked in its current state, including teller receipts.
Case Study
Rocky Mountain Law Enforcement FCU Boosts Digital-First Strategy with Receipts
Learn why RMLEFCU considers this solution to be instrumental to its success.
Over 3,400 banks, credit unions, and fintechs trust us.